New Here

Embrace a Community Where Love, Worship, and Fellowship Flourish


At ONECHURCH you can expect a group of normal, everyday people who will love you and nurture you towards a personal and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

We sing a wide array of worship music that is mainly current and new. We use our Bibles every Sunday and each week there is an opportunity for corporate and personal prayer.

Our heart’s desire is that we first meet with Jesus. Then that we enjoy mutual encouragement and friendship as a family of believers.


Our Sunday gatherings are designed to connect you with God's Word and His promise for your life, providing the spiritual nourishment you need to face the week ahead with hope and strength. 


Every Wednesday evening, we gather for a series of engaging activities aimed at fostering community and faith development. These sessions are your midweek spiritual recharge, offering support, learning, and fellowship in a relaxed and nurturing environment. 


Our Kids Ministry is a vibrant and nurturing space dedicated to guiding children on their journey of faith. We believe in creating an engaging, safe, and fun environment where kids from toddlers to pre-teens can learn about Jesus, explore the Bible, and understand God’s immense love for them.
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ONECHURCH Adult Ministries offer spiritual growth and community for every stage of life. Fostering a supportive space for deepening faith and empowering relationships. For College-Age individuals, we provide a vibrant community to explore faith, navigate life’s transitions, and make an impact. Together, these ministries cultivate spiritual maturity and a sense of belonging, equipping adults to live out their faith daily.
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At ONECHURCH, our heart for missions drives us to spread God’s love both locally and internationally. Our mission initiatives reflect our commitment to demonstrating Christ’s love in action, offering hope and making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve, near and far.
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Core Values

ONECHURCH’s foundation rests on core values that shape our community and actions. At the heart is our unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, guiding us to live out the Gospel’s teachings. We emphasize the importance of community and belonging, creating a welcoming space where everyone can find their place. Love and compassion are central to our interactions, as we strive to mirror Christ’s love in all we do. Integrity and authenticity in our conduct and faith journey ensure we remain true to our message, embodying the love of Christ in every aspect of our ministry and daily lives.
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Our parking lot is at 1058 Front Street.

We begin Worship at 9:30am On Sundays.

Worship typically lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. 9:30am to 10:45am is our goal.

There will be someone at the doors to welcome you and point you in the right direction but the doors you are looking for are labeled “WORSHIP”.

Worship is our outward expression to God for our inward gratitude for who God is and what He is doing. During ONECHURCH Worship, we sing loud, we pray corporately and privately, we read God’s Word and talk about it through the message.

We have a really laid back, comfortable, come-as-you-are atmosphere here and care more that you would spend time with us. You will find people of all stages and all walks of life who are eager to make you feel a part of this family of believers.

We have a place during Worship and D-Group (which is Bible Study time that follows Worship) for every member of your family. You are welcome to keep your younger children with you but we also have a trained, gifted, and ministry minded group of folks who care for and teach God’s Word to our littles (birth – PreK) during service. We also have a special Bible Study time for K-3rd Grade during the message time of Worship called CLUB 252. Your K-3rd Grader will be with you during the music portion of Worship.

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Sunday Service

Join us for worship and a message from the Bible on Front Street in Conway, AR.

  • 9:30am – 10:45am: Main Service
  • 11:00am: – D Groups

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